Ciara Flaherty has made a documentary chronicling the Sack of Baltimore and the new reenactment that the Baltimore Drama group are staging in June, With secret behind-the-scenes footage of We Who Are Blameless and an exclusive interview with its writer, our very own Rupert Stuchbury! 
Just follow the link:

Rehearsals are well under way for Baltimore Drama Group's new production, We Who Are Blameless. Featuring new talent as well as the old reliables, the play (written by local man, Rupert) will have debut this June to coincide with the Pirates Weekend. Anyone who is interested in helping out can contact Pat at 0861586042
Prepare for Baltimore to be raided by pirates once again! Baltimore Pirates Weekend is happening again starting Friday 21st of June and running until Sunday 23rd. The Baltimore Drama Group is getting involved in this celebration of piracy and will be staging We Who Are Blameless, a play centering on the political events that lead up to the Sack of Baltimore. Mystery remains over who was ultimately responsible for giving the order that led to 106 Baltimore residents being kidnapped in the dead of night and taken away to North Africa where they lived out the rest of the days as slaves. Written by Rupert Stuchbury , the play will run for 6 nights in June